
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) skill assessment plays a crucial role in the migration and professional registration of nurses aspiring to work in Australia. This assessment evaluates the qualifications, skills, and experience of qualified nurses to ensure alignment with Australian standards and requirements. 

ANMAC is the approved authority to assesses whether an individual’s nursing qualifications and experience meet the benchmarks set by Australian healthcare standards. This evaluation is vital for both visa application purposes and professional registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).  

There are 3 categories for a ANMAC skills assessment in Australia. These categories are sorted based on in which countries you have obtained the qualification and registration as a registered nurse.  

  • Category 1: Modified Skills Assessment  

This category is designed for those who are currently registered as a registered nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA/AHPRA), the Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ) or the Midwifery Council of New Zealand (MCNZ).  

  • Category 2: Modified plus Skills Assessment 

This category is designed for those who are holding a current letter of “Notice of in-principle approval of registration subject to proof of identity” from AHPRA. Plus, you must hold current registration as a nurse (registered nurse or enrolled nurse) overseas to be able to apply for the Modified PLUS skills assessment.  

  • Category 3: Full Skills Assessment 

This category is designed for those who hold a minimum Bachelor of Nursing qualification from Canada, Hong Kong, Ireland, the UK or the United States and hold registration as a registered nurse in that same country you qualify for a Full skills assessment.    

Not sure which category you are eligible for? Contact SOL Migration today at 07 3003 1899 or fill out the enquiry form, our experienced migration agent will contact you within 24 hours at the latest!  

What are criteria for a ANMAC Skills Assessment?

The specific criteria for a ANMAC Skills Assessment depend on the category you are applying for. However, below is the general requirements from ANMAC.  

Criteria 1: Proof of identity  

  • Biostatistical page(s) of passport 
  • Change of name documents (if applicable) 
  • A quality passport sized photo taken in the last 6 months 

Criteria 2: Education qualification/s  

All the applicants need to provide:  

  • A graduation certificate/s from all nursing qualifications achieved in Australia and overseas.  
  • Academic transcripts  

If you are applying for a full skills assessment, then you also need to submit:  

  • A university transcript that clearly shows a breakdown of the theoretical and practical hours completed.   

Criteria 3: Work experience (if you have) 

If you are applying for a ANMAC skill assessment for migration purposes, then you must provide documentation to demonstrate your professional practice as a nurse.  

Modified skills assessment   Modified plus skills assessment   Full skills assessment  
You don’t need to submit a professional reference if you are not working as a nurse.   You don’t need to submit a professional reference if you are not working as a nurse. 


You have to submit a professional reference with a minimum of 3 months’ paid work experience (at least 494 hours) 
You don’t need to submit a professional reference if you are not working as a nurse. 


You don’t need to submit a professional reference if you are not working as a nurse. 


You must also submit verification of registration from all the relevant overseas jurisdictions to demonstrate you have been registered as a registered nurse. 

 Need help with prepare all the required documents? Contact our Migration Agent today at 07 3003 1899 or fill out the enquiry form!  

How to apply for a ANMAC Skills Assessment?    

To be able to apply for a PR in Australia, you must be a registered nurse and must complete a skills assessment with positive results. Here are the popular steps to apply for an ANMAC skills assessment: 

  1. Check your eligibility: Since there are 3 categories for a ANMAC skills assessment, you need to check which category you are eligible for.  
  2. Gather Documents: Collect all necessary documents as mentioned above, including identification proof, academic transcripts, nursing qualification certificates, registration certificates, proof of English language proficiency, and employment evidence. 
  3. Create an Online Account: Visit the ANMAC website and create an account on their online application portal. Fill in personal details and create login credentials to start the application process. 
  4. Complete the Application Form: Fill out the online application form accurately. Provide detailed information about your education, nursing qualifications, work experience, and other relevant details as requested. 
  5. Upload Documents: Upload all required documents as part of your application. Ensure they meet ANMAC’s specified requirements in terms of format, content, and authenticity. 
  6. Pay Application Fees: Pay the required application fees using the provided payment methods. Fees can vary based on the type of assessment and the nursing occupation. 
  7. Submit Application: Review your application thoroughly before submission. Once satisfied, submit the completed application through the online portal. 
  8. Wait for Assessment: ANMAC will review your application and assess your qualifications against the Australian nursing standards. The assessment process may take up to 12 weeks.  
  9. Receive Assessment Outcome: Once the assessment is completed, you will receive an outcome indicating whether your qualifications meet the required standards for nursing in Australia. 

Contact our Migration Agent on 07 3003 1899 or fill out the enquiry form to be assisted with the application process 

What is the ANMAC Skills Assessment Fee?

Skills Assessment   Fee 
Modified Skills Assessment   $395.00 
Modified plus Skills Assessment   $395.00 
Full Skills Assessment   $595.00 



What is the ANMAC Skills Assessment processing time?

It may take up to 12 weeks to receive a result for your ANMAC Skills Assessment.  

What is the ANMAC Skills Assessment checklist?

The ANMAC Skills Assessment checklist typically includes a range of documents and requirements necessary for internationally qualified nurses applying for assessment. Here’s a general overview of what might be included in the checklist: 

Identification Documents: 

  • Passport or identification documents showing personal details and photo identification (within 6 months). 

Academic Qualifications: 

  • All academic transcripts and certificates for nursing qualifications. 

Registration Certificates: 

  • Copies of current and past nursing registration certificates or licenses. 

Employment Evidence: 

  • Detailed employment history, including professional reference letters and/or registration verifications from the relevant overseas jurisdictions. 
  • If you are applying for Modified plus Skills Assessment, you also need to submit a valid ‘Notice of in principal approval of registration subject to proof of identity’.  

English Language Proficiency: 

  • Results of an English language proficiency test (e.g., IELTS, OET, PTE Academic, TOFEL iBT) 

How to become a registered nurse in Australia?

Step 1: Study Bachelor or Master of Nursing in Australi 

For international students, the easiest and fastest way to become a registered nurse in Australia is to take a nursing course here. However, bear in mind that you must have completed at least a Bachelor of Nursing to be eligible for nursing registration. If you finish a Diploma of Nursing, you can become an enrolled nurse only.  

Step 2: Register as a registered nurse in Australia  

The authority to assess your registration is Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). You must meet the following requirements to be considered as a registered nurse:  

  • Passing the Australian Federal Police Check 

You can apply for a Police Check via this website https://www.afp.gov.au/what-we-do/national-police-checks 

  • Passing the English language skills test  

There are two options for you to satisfy the English requirement: (1) You have completed 5 years studying Tertiary and Secondary education in Australia, in which the length of tertiary study level must be at least two years, or (2) you achieve a IETLS 7.0 in every single band.  

It worth noting that if you cannot achieve the score of 7.0 in one single test, you can do a maximum of two test sittings in 6 months. Given you have achieved a minimum overall score of 7 in each sitting, AND you have achieved a minimum score of 7 in each component across the two sittings, AND you have no score below 6.5 in any section, you will meet the English requirement for nursing assessment.  

Do I need to take an English test as part of my ANMAC skills assessment?

If you are eligible for a Modified Skill Assessment or Modified plus Skills Assessment, then you are not required to take an English test. However, if you are applying for a full skills assessment, then you must submit the English test results that meet the requirement of ANMAC.  

What should I do if I can’t meet English score in a single test?

If you cannot achieve the required English score in one single test, you can do a maximum of two test sittings in 6 months. Below are the English criteria if you wish to combine the results of two English tests.  

  Overall   Each Component  
IELTS  7.0  – Minimum score of 7 in each component across 2 tests 

–  No score in any component of two tests is below 6.5.  

OET  B  – Minimum score of B in each component across 2 tests 

–  No score in any component of two tests is below C.  

PTE  65  – Minimum score of 65 in each component across 2 tests 

–  No score in any component of two tests is below 58.  

TOFEL iBT   94  – Minimum total score of 94 in each sitting 

–  no score in any of the sections is below – 20 listening, 19 reading, 24 writing, 20 speaking.
﷟HYPERLINK “https://www.anmac.org.au/skilled-migration-services/overview/assessment-criteria” 

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