Student visa working conditions are slightly different based on course of study. In addition, if you are member of family units, you also have different working rights based on primary applicant’s course of study. Please see the below article to identify your working right!
Student Visa Primary Applicant (Student)
* Student is not able to work more than 40 hours per 2 weeks when your course is in session (other than work which has been registered as a part of the course). A 2 weeks means any period of 14 days commencing on a Monday and ending at the end of the second following Sunday. – Student is able to work for more than 40 hours per 2weeks during recognised vacation periods offered by your education provider. – Student cannot start paid work until you have commenced your course in Australia. – No work limits for the student who are studying a Masters by research or Doctorate course in Australia.
Student Visa Secondary Applicant (Family member)
* Family member cannot work more than 40 hours per 2 weeks. Please note that the family member cannot work more than 40hrs during vacation period of primary applicant study.
* Family member must not start work until the primary student visa holder has commenced their course.
* Family members of the below students are able to work unlimited hours as soon as the primary student visa holder has commenced their course:
1) students studying a master’s by coursework
2) students studying a master’s by research degree
3) students studying doctorate degree.
If you have any inquiry about student visa working condition, please feel free to contact us.