
For accountants aiming to migrate to Australia, especially through skilled migration programs like the Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189) or Skilled Nominated Visa (subclass 190), they must pass a skill assessment issued by one of the following authorities: CPA (Certified Practising Accountant), CA (Chartered Accountant) or IPA (Institute of Public Accountants). The skills assessment is t determine if they are eligible to work as an accountant in Australia.  

Who is eligible to apply for a CPA/CA/IPA skill assessment?    

CPA/CA/IPA will determine if your qualification and experience meet the standard for the occupations listed below:  

  • Accountant (general) – 221111 
  • Corporate treasurer – 221212 
  • External auditor – 221213 
  • Finance manager – 132211 
  • Management accountant – 221112 
  • Taxation accountant – 221113 

This means your qualification and work experience should align with/related to these six occupations.  

What are CPA/CA/IPA skill assessment requirements?  

The CPA, CA and IPA are major professional bodies in Australia/New Zealand that conduct skills assessments for accountants. Each organization has its own set of requirements for assessing the skills and qualifications of accountants, but generally, they have 3 main criteria:  

  • Degree compatibility  

You must possess a qualification that we consider equivalent to at least an Australian bachelor’s degree. 

  • Educational knowledge  

You need to prove that your educational knowledge is related to the occupation that you are nominating. The table below shows which knowledge are required for each assessing occupation:  


Accountant (general) – 221111 

Corporate treasurer – 221212

Finance manager – 132211

Management accountant – 221112 

Taxation accountant –221113 


External auditor – 221213 


Accounting systems and Processes  Accounting systems and Processes  Accounting systems and Processes 
Economics  Economics  Economics 
Business Law  Business Law  Business Law 
Finance and Financial Management  Finance and Financial Management  Finance and Financial Management 
Financial Accounting and Reporting  Financial Accounting and Reporting  Financial Accounting and Reporting 
Management Accounting   Management Accounting   Management Accounting  
Quantitative Methods   Quantitative Methods   Quantitative Methods  
  Australian Taxation Law  Audit and Assurance  


  • English proficiency  

You must obtain at least overall 7.0 IELTS with no band score under 7.0, or you have completed a professional year in accounting.    

Please note that the equivalent English results from TOEFL, PTE Academic and Cambridge English Advanced can be also excepted. Please check with the authority that you are applying for to know exactly which English test results are accepted.  

  • Skilled Employment Assessments 

If you have worked in accounting professional role for 12 months or above, AND if you have positive qualification (degree and educational knowledge) assessment, you can apply for Skilled Employment Assessments to claim additional points for your PR application.  

To be eligible for a Skilled Employment Assessments, your work must be: 

  • Closely related to the occupation for that you have received the positive qualification skill assessment 
  • Undertaken after your completed your degree  
  • Undertaken within last 10 years  
  • Paid at market rate  
  • At least 20 hours per week  

Need more information about CPA/PC/IPA skill assessments? Contact our Migration Agent today on 07 3003 1899 or fill out our enquiry form.  

How to apply for a CPA/CA/IPA Skill Assessment?    

Step 1: Select the Assessing Authority 

For accountants, the assessing authority is either CPA, CAANZ, or IPA. You can choose one of these organisations.  

Step 2: Check Eligibility Criteria 

Review the eligibility criteria set by the assessing authority. This might include degree requirement, educational knowledge, English language proficiency, and other specific requirements. 

The requirements for Degree and Educational Knowledge are quite similar between CPA, CA and IPA. However, there are variations in the accepted English proficiency tests among them. 

Step 3: Gather Documentation 

Collect all necessary documentation, including ID documents (Passport, national card), degree certificate, academic transcripts, English proficiency document, syllabus for non-accredited qualification (if applicable), professional body qualification (if possible), Skilled employment document (if possible) and any other documents required for assessment. 

Step 4: Submit Application 

Apply online through the assessing authority’s website. Make sure to submit all required documents and pay the assessment fee as per their instructions. 

Need help with a CPA/PC/IPA application? Contact our experienced migration agents today on 07 3003 1899 or hello@solmigration.net. Our team will reply to us within 24 hours at the latest.  

What is the CPA/CA/IPA skill assessment fee?

  Onshore   Offshore   Applicants in Singapore     
Qualification Skill Assessment – Normal Fee  545  495  535  550  595 
Qualification Skill Assessment – Fast Track Fee  650  590  637  650  795 
Skilled Employment  250  227  245  250   300 
Combined Qualification and Skilled Employment Fee  600  545  589  600   

How can SOL Migration help you to obtain a positive skill assessment?      

SOL Migration has a strong team of 5 experienced Registered Migration Agents. Our Registered Migration Agents will assess your eligibility and guide you throughout all the application process. We will assist you in preparing all the relevant documents for your application. 

Contact us today on 07 3003 1899 or fill out the enquiry form. Our team will contact you within 24 hours at the latest!  


What is the processing time for a skill assessment for an accountant?

The processing time varies depending on the body authority that you are applying for.  

Normal Processing   60 business days   20 business days  10 days  
Fast Track Processing  15 business days   10 business days  2-3 days  


Can I be assessed for more than one ANZSCO occupation?

Yes, you can apply for multiple accounting related occupations, however you may need to pay extra fee for each ANZSCO code/occupation.  

I need my skill assessment outcome urgently, could I have it prioritized?

Yes, you can select the Fast Track option. However, the application fee will be more than that of normal track.  

I am a citizen of an English-speaking country, do I need to submit the English proficiency test result?

Yes, you still need to submit an English test result even if you come from an English-speaking country.  

Do I need work experience to have a positive CPA/CA/IPA skill assessment?

If you are applying for a Qualification Skills Assessment, then work experience is not required. However, if you want to claim more points for your PR application, then you can apply for Skilled Employment assessment that requires you to have at least 12 months working experience after you have completed your degree. 

What is the fee for CA fast track skill assessment?

The fee for CA fast track skill assessment is AUD 650, which is AUD100 more expensive than that of normal track. For the fast track, it may take you 10 business days only to get the skill assessment result.  

What is the IPA skill assessment fee?

he normal IPA skill assessment fee AUD595 and the fast track IPA skill assessment is AUD 795. For IPA Skilled Employment skill assessment, the assessing fee is AUD300 only.  

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