
Visa Subclass 143, also known as the Contributory Parent Visa, is a special Australian visa designed to allow parents to join their children who are settled citizens of Australia, permanent resident of Australia and eligible New Zealand citizen. This visa offers a pathway to family reunification, enabling parents to live in Australia permanently. It’s a popular choice for those seeking to be close to their loved ones and experience life in Australia. 

With a Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143, you can: 

  • Live in Australia: This visa allows parents to move and live in Australia as permanent residents. 
  • Work and Study: You can work and study in Australia without restrictions. 
  • Access Healthcare: You are eligible for Australia’s healthcare system, Medicare. 
  • Apply for Citizenship: After fulfilling residency and other requirements, you can apply for Australian citizenship. 
  • Sponsor Other Family Members: Once in Australia, you may be able to sponsor other eligible family members to come to Australia for various visas. 
  • Enjoy Social Benefits: You have access to eligible social benefits and support available to Australian residents. 

Who can apply for a Contributory Parent Visa 143?  

To be eligible for this visa, you generally must meet the following criteria: 

  • Parental Relationship: You must be the parent of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen who is settled in Australia. This relationship must be proven through documentation, such as birth certificates. 
  • Sponsorship: You must have an eligible sponsor in Australia. The sponsor is typically your child (the Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen). If your child is under 18 years old, your eligible relative or a community organisation can become your sponsor.  

Please note that if you are applying as a retiree, then you don’t need a sponsorship.  

  • Meet the Balance of Family Test: To meet the Balance of Family Test, you must demonstrate that at least half of your children are living in Australia as Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents, or eligible New Zealand citizens, or that more of your children live in Australia.  

Please note that if you are applying as a retiree or if you are holding the 173 visa, then you don’t need to meet the Balance of Family Test.  

  • Assurance of Support: You and any family members included in the application must have an assurer, who is willing to provide financial support to you if necessary. 

If you are applying as a retiree, then you don’t need to provide the Assurance of Support. 

  • Health and Character Requirements: You and any dependent family members must meet health and character requirements. 
  • No Prior Visa Cancellation or refusal: You might not be eligible for this visa if you have had a visa cancelled or refused before.  
  • No Outstanding Debts to the Australian Government: You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian government. 
  • Health Insurance: You must have a health insurance (until you get the Parent Visa) if you apply for this visa as a retiree.  
  • Previous Visa: You must not have hold or applied for a 870 visa when you apply for a visa 143.  

Are you wondering if you are eligible for this visa? Contact our experienced Registered Migration Agents today to have free eligibility check!  

Who can be a sponsor for a Contributory Parent Visa 143?  

The child of the main applicant  

For a Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143, the sponsor is typically the child of the parents who wish to migrate to Australia. However, the sponsor must meet certain eligibility criteria to be eligible to sponsor their parents for this visa. Here are the key requirements for a sponsor: 

  • Be an Australian Citizen, Permanent Resident, or Eligible New Zealand Citizen: The sponsor must be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen. Only individuals with one of these statuses can sponsor their parents for this visa. 
  • Be settled and regularly live in Australia. 
  • Age requirement: The sponsor must be 18 years old or above.  

The relative or eligible person 

If the child of the visa applicant is under 18 years old, then a relative or eligible person can sponsor the visa applicant on behalf of the child. In this case, the sponsor must:  

  • Be an Australian citizen, Australian Permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen. 
  • Residing in Australia and have established settled status. 
  • 18 years of age or older. 

The 143-visa sponsor must also fall into one of the following categories: 

  • is the child’s co-habiting spouse. 
  • is a relative or guardian of the child. 
  • is a relative or guardian of the child’s co-habiting spouse. 

The community organization  

Your community organization is eligible to sponsor a visa 143 applicant if the following conditions are met:  

  • There is an established connection between the organization and the applicant’s child. 
  • A senior representative of the organization is willing to act as the sponsor for the applicant. 
  • The organization has been legally established and recognized within Australia. 
  • The organization has been actively engaged in its activities within Australia for at least one year. 
  • The organization possesses the capacity to meet its financial commitments. 

There is no cost to sponsor a visa subclass 143.  

If you have any questions about the visa 143 sponsorship, call us on 07 3003 1899 or fill in the enquiry form. Our experienced Registered Migration Agents are here to help!  

What are obligations of a visa 143 sponsor?  

Sponsoring a Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143 applicant comes with certain obligations and responsibilities. The sponsor must: 

  • Provide Assurance of Support (AoS): The Assurance of Support involves financial support for the 143-visa holder(s). It typically includes the accommodation and financial help for at least 2 years from the date of visa being granted. There will be an income test for this, and the income threshold will vary depending on your circumstance. Go to this website to find out if you are eligible for a Assurance of Support. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/who-can-be-assurer-for-assurance-support?context=22051 
  • Keep Authorities Informed: The sponsor must inform the Department of Home Affairs if there are any significant changes in their own circumstances, such as changes in income, changes in address, or any other relevant information. 

Not sure if you are eligible to sponsor your parent to Australia under a visa 143? Contact us today at 07 3003 1899 or fill out the enquiry form! 

How to apply for a visa 143 

The process of applying for a contributory parent visa involves both the applicant’s and the sponsor’s responsibility.   

Step 1: Apply for a Visa 143 

You must apply for a visa 143 on paper, from in or outside Australia. You must fill out all forms and submit the below documentation:  

  • Your identity document: For example, passport, national ID card, etc.  
  • Sponsor documents: It means your sponsor needs to apply for a sponsorship before you apply for this visa. If you are applying as a retiree, you don’t need to include the sponsor documents.  
  • Balance of family documents: You must meet the “balance of family” test by providing (1) evidence of the relationship with your child, and (2) evidence of all your children’s country of permanent residences. If you are applying as a retiree, you don’t need to include these documents.  
  • Assurance of Support Documents: Provide an Assurance of Support once asked. If you are applying as a retiree, you don’t need to include this document. 
  • Character documents: Police certificates for every country where you spent 1 year or more. 
  • Your dependents documents: If you have dependents applying with you, you must submit (1) their identify documents, (2) documents about your relationship with them, character documents, (3) documents of their other relationships if applicable, and (4) evidence of dependency if your they are over 18 years old.  

If your dependent is under 18 years old, you need to submit the parental responsibility documents to show that your dependent is allowed to migrate to Australia with you. 

  • Your partner documents: Including the identity document, the character document and the relationship documents.  
  • Photos: You need to provide 4 recent photos (less than 6 months) of all applicants.  

The case officer starts processing your application only when the first visa instalment fee is paid.   

Step 2: Wait for a Visa 143 

  • You will be asked for organising health examinations and biometrics. The Department of Home Affairs will inform you when you need to organise.  
  • You can also add family members to your application before your visa outcome is released.  
  • You must pay the 2nd instalment fee and the Department of Home Affair will send you an invoice.  

Need help with visa applications? Our Migration Agents have extensive experience in handling parent visa matters! Contact us today at 07 3003 1899 or fill out the enquiry form for expert guidance!   

How to include the family member into a 143 visa?  

To include family members (such as your spouse or dependent children) in a Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143 application, you must include their details and relevant documentation. Here are the steps to include family members: 

  • Complete the Application Form: When filling out the visa application form for the Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143, make sure to include all family members who intend to accompany you to Australia. This typically includes your spouse and dependent children. 
  • Provide Supporting Documents: Gather the necessary supporting documents for each family member you wish to include in your application. This may include birth certificates, marriage certificates, evidence of the family relationship, and evidence of dependency if they are over 18 years old.  
  • If your family member is under 18 years old, you need to submit the parental responsibility documents to show that your dependent is allowed to migrate to Australia with you. 
  • Meet Health and Character Requirements: Ensure that all family members meet the health and character requirements as outlined by the Australian Department of Home Affairs. This may involve medical examinations and police clearances. 

You can include the family member in the primary application, or you can add the family member after you submit the application but before the visa is granted.  

Please note that there will be extra cost for each family member applying with you.  

How much does it cost to apply for a 143 contributory parent visa?  

The visa fee for main applicant is AUD$4765+AUD$43,600each person and there will be additional costs for additional applicants who apply with you.  

The fee will be paid into 2 times called instalments. The first instalment $4765 is when you lodge the visa application. The 2nd instalment $43,600 is when the Department of Home Affairs ask you to do so. The actual fees for this visa vary, depending on your circumstances. Contact us to learn more!  


What is the processing time for Subclass 143?

Processing times can vary, but it’s generally a lengthy process, and the waiting period can be 10 years. 

Is there an Assurance of Support (AoS) requirement?

  • Pass the income test for the current and previous financial years 
  • Be an Australian resident or citizen 
  • Be 18 years of age or older 
  • Be able to financially support the assuree 
  • Give us proof of your identity 
  • Get a bank guarantee if we ask for one. 

Are there any age limits for applicants of Subclass 143?

There is no specific age limit for the visa 143 applicants. However, meeting health and character requirements is essential. 

Can I change sponsors once my Subclass 143 application is lodged?

Changing sponsors is generally not allowed after the application is submitted. The sponsor plays a crucial role in the visa application process. 

Can I withdraw from the visa 143 sponsorship?

Yes, you may be allowed to withdraw from the sponsorship before the visa is granted. However, if you try to withdraw after the visa granted date, then you may still need to responsible for the sponsorship obligations. This means that you still need to provide accommodation and financial support for the visa 143 holders for the first 2 years.  

What is the difference between 143 and 103 visa?

The main difference between the Contributory Parent Visa (Subclass 143) and the Parent Visa (Subclass 103) is the processing time and associated costs. Here’s a breakdown of the key distinctions: 

Contributory Parent Visa (Subclass 143): 

  • Processing Time: The Subclass 143 is a faster processing option compared to the Subclass 103. The waiting period for Subclass 143 is generally shorter, although it can still take several years. 
  • Higher Costs: The Subclass 143 is considered a contributory parent visa, which means it requires a significantly higher application fee and an Assurance of Support (AoS). The AoS is a financial commitment to support the visa holder(s) during their initial years in Australia. 

Parent Visa (Subclass 103): 

  • Processing Time: The Subclass 103 has a considerably longer processing time compared to the Subclass 143. It often involves much lengthier waiting periods, often stretching to about 20-30 years.  
  • Lower Costs: The Subclass 103 is a non-contributory parent visa, which means it has lower application fees and does not require an AoS. It is a more affordable option but comes with the trade-off of longer processing times. 

Can I access Medicare with Subclass 143?

After 143 visa granter you have access to Australia’s healthcare system, Medicare. 

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